Grow Your Profits | Zeazo

Grow Your Profits by Avoiding Problem Customers

Avoid Customer Complaints | Zeazo

We’ve all been there…

As a business owner or manager we’ve all had customers that were either difficult to work with, took up way more of your time than you estimated, or were down right rude and nasty – or all of the above!  When you take on customers like this, it not only causes your stress level to increase, it eats away at your profit – sometimes leaving you upside down on an otherwise profitable project.

Customers don’t think twice about leaving a bad review for your business if they have (or perceive they have in many cases)  received less than perfect service.  What recourse do businesses have?  Comment with your side (you still have a bad review), fight with the review service (Google, Yelp, etc.) to have it removed?  That is an uphill battle.  Well now you not only have a voice, you can avoid known problem customers before they become a customer!  

Zeazo is a database of customers you may want to avoid – complete with reviews and comments from actual businesses that have worked with these customers. This is incredibly valuable information to help you decide how to structure your business dealings with a particular customer or to avoid doing business with them altogether! Reduce stress – increase profits. It’s that simple.

How It Works

Join Zeazo

Once you join, you are free to search the database & to add customers.  Best of all it’s FREE for a limited time!

Search Zeazo

Search the database before you agree to do business with new customers – it could save you time, headaches, and money.

Add Problem Customers

Help grow the database to make it more useful to other members.  The larger the database, the more it helps other businesses like yours.